This is my blog. There's not a lot to tell.
I had potential. I had promise. My aunt always used to tell me I was going places. That if anyone was going to get out of this place and make something of themselves, it was me.
I have done nothing.
I'm an artist.
I'm a writer.
I'm a poet.
I'm a photographer
I'm an engineer.
I'm a goddam genius.
I have wasted my life.
I will do so no longer. At 24, I'm unemployed and living with my parents. Everything they ever taught me during my 12 years of education was that the only way to happiness was a stellar GPA and the most expensive 4 year university you could squeeze into immediately after high school.
Just like everything else they told me, that's a bunch of bullshit.
I'm off the beaten path, treading in territory nobody prepared me for, but I'm going to make it. 6 years late, I'm going to show the world that it's never too late to make something of myself.
And you've got front row tickets.